A Helping Home T&C’s
“A Helping Home” Charitable Donation Campaign (this “Agreement”) is entered into as of October 2020. It sets forth agreements among Stephanie Murray Moratges (Corporate Business) & The Roderique Hope Charitable Foundation). This charitable campaign will be complete by the 31st of December 2020. All funds issued to the Roderique Hope Trust by the 31st of January 2021.
Section 1: Donations Made From Drawn Down
1.1 - $250 donation will be given from all “Drawn Down” mortgage agreements made through Stephanie Murray Moratges between the 21st of October 2020 to 31st of December 2020. This is only applicable to mortgage loan agreements over $200,000 and in the Taranaki Region.
1.2 - This cost will have no implication on Stephanie Murray Moratges customers. All donations will be taken from Stephanie Murray Moratgess profit.
1.3 - The donation will be made solely to The Roderique Hope Trust who endeavour to use the funds to advance their work in the local community throughout the Taranaki region.
1.4 - Stephanie Murray Mortgages will present the final raised figure on the 20th of January 2021.
Section 2: Donations Made From Givealittle Campaign
2.1 - All donation through the A Helping Home givealittle.co.nz is entirely independent of Stephanie Murray Moratges donations. The sole aim is to encourage other business and individuals to donate to The Roderique Hope Trust.
2.2 - The A Helping Home givealittle.co.nz page will run from October the 21st to the 31st of December 2020 with the final donation made to The Roderique Hope Trust by the 31st of January 2021